
2024-02-18 v.

NEW: Insert image from system clipboard

[macOS] rounded popup borders using flatlaf v.3.3

Bundles Open JDK 17.0.10+7 for all platforms

2023-08-30 v.

FIXED: Input method popup position corrected

FIXED: [Plain text editor] insert text handles empty text

Update flatlaf v.3.2 cross-platform themes

Bundles OpenJDK 17.0.8+7 for all platforms

2023-05-22 v.

NEW: Shrink & grow text with [Meta] +/- shortcut keys

CHANGED: Separate options in Tools menu for dark and light theme

CHANGED: Provide Roboto Mono as monospace font

Update flatlaf v.3.1.1 cross-platform themes

Bundles OpenJDK 17.0.7+7 for all platforms

2023-01-05 v.

NEW: updates FlatLaf 3.0 theme with native macOS L&F

NEW: bundle flatlaf fonts-inter and flatlaf fonts-jetbrains-mono

CHANGED: Esc key quits mapping

FIXED: prevent rendering when canvas is empty

FIXED: [macOS] clear document on read from shell

Update batik 1.16 SVG lib and fop 2.8 PDF lib (latter not bundled, apologies)

Bundles OpenJDK 17.0.5+8 for all platforms

2022-09-28 v.

NEW: active guides for aligning drawings

NEW: custom background colour option and set preference

FIXED: copying a map uses new backing image

Update flatlaf v.2.5 cross-platform themes

Bundles OpenJDK for all platforms

2022-07-14 v.

NEW: macOS dark and light themes

NEW: save theme prefs on quit [macOS]

FIXED: mapping component can connect to https endpoint

Update flatlaf v.2.3 cross-platform themes

NEW: Debian Linux is a new supported platform

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.15+10 for all platforms

2022-03-20 v.

NEW: published jmapviewer library → maven repository

CHANGED: Windows build uses jpackage

Update flatlaf v.2.0.1 theme

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.14+9 for Windows and macOS platforms this fixes macOS Times font bug

2021-11-08 v.

CHANGED: dark theme → Tools menu

FIXED: frame fills height for small screen sizes

Update flatlaf theme v.1.6

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.13+8 for Windows and macOS platforms

2021-06-02 v.

NEW: Editor insert date button and shortcut

NEW: Mapping uses a quit button

FIXED: Exit mapping sets selection mode

CHANGED: upgrade flatlaf v.1.2 theme

CHANGED: upgrade SVG and PDF libraries

CHANGED: Remove bezier drawing option

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.11 for Windows and macOS platforms

2021-04-12 v.

CHANGED: upgrade flatlaf v.1.0 theme

CHANGED: modernised some code

FIXED: squashed bugs

FIXED: Windows and macOS build steps

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.10+9 for Windows and macOS platforms

2021-01-27 v.

Thanks for using Gesticulate! A few updates to make Gesticulate an even better app

2020-11-17 v.

NEW: Snap-to-grid and snap-to-angle when grid is visible

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.9 for Windows and macOS platforms

2020-08-16 v.

CHANGED: user preferences stored in config folder (platform dependent)

Use jpackage to create Windows executable

2020-07-15 v.

CHANGED: Key-command rotation by 15° steps

FIXED: Arrow rotation

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.8 for Windows and macOS platforms

2020-05-26 v.

NEW: 🐁 cursors respond to figure and image handles

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.7 for Windows and macOS platforms

Java 11 is now the minimum supported version

2020-04-08 v.

NEW: Switch between dark and light theme for users on Windows and other platforms but not macOS

NEW: Record dark or light theme preference between sessions

CHANGED: format copier (dropper) now available from text mode

Java 14 is the now the minimum supported version

Bundles OpenJDK 14+36 for Windows and macOS platforms

2020-03-03 v.

NEW: Hexagon drawing type

NEW: The dropper supports text type

NEW: Rotate lines around axis

FIXED: Dropper selection activation issues

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.6 for Windows and macOS platforms

2019-12-03 v.

NEW: HiDPI support for Windows & Linux

NEW: Java 11 is now minimum supported version

2019-08-05 v.

NEW: Dropper Tool to copy selected figure properties

CHANGED: Equilateral figures are selected from tool bar

Importing an image resizes to fit viewport

Open Street Map functions in JMapViewer

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.4 for Windows and macOS platforms

2019-03-27 v.

Bundles OpenJDK 11.0.2 for Windows and macOS platforms

2018-11-19 v.

NEW: Picture resize has been rewritten using a new method

JMapViewer library uses https endpoints

Retains a file reference to the drawing accessed via launcher

ImageItem serialises its time-stamp

2018-08-09 v.

Thanks for using Gesticulate! A few minor updates to make Gesticulate an even better app

2017-10-03 v.

Upgraded JMapViewer library to version 2.2

Update batik 1.9 SVG lib and fop 2.2 PDF lib (latter not bundled, apologies)

Fix context menu selection in multi-select (ALT key) mode

2017-05-03 v.

NEW: Maps OSM Transport, OSM Outdoors and OSM Landscape

NEW: JMapViewer library upscales map tiles for Retina macOS : source is available on github contact author

Updated Bing Maps attribution artwork

2017-03-28 v.

NEW: Retina toolbar icons for macOS users

Fix corner selection on rotate

Fixes to canvas repaint on incoming sync

2017-02-26 v.

NEW: Figures may be resized laterally from edges

NEW: The context menu provides Edit for Text and StreetMap items

A newly designed app icon

The group-items function is now more stable in relation to sync

The MapQuest menu item has been removed

2016-11-02 v.

The sync model is refined and validated

2016-09-02 v.

NEW: Refresh tool panel icons modern look

Fixes to sync model

Fix text layout selection

2016-07-11 v.

NEW: Upgraded Batik 1.8 SVG libraries

NEW: PDF export uses Apache FOP 2.1 but not bundled, sorry

NEW: Integrate future JDK 9 support for OS X handlers

2016-05-02 v.

Maintenance release

2016-03-21 v.

NEW: SVG is responsive and may be sized using CSS

Reorganised editing sub-system

Update jdom 2.0.6

2016-03-07 v.

NEW: PNG export which honours the drawing bounds

NEW: SVG export also honours the drawing bounds

Performance improvements for saving and export functions

Handling for selection of really small lines and sketches

2016-02-17 v.

Maintenance release

2016-01-05 v.

Fixed issue with Picture resizing

Enhancements to document serialisation to disk

Refactoring of model sync

Fixes to tool panel and added better tool tips

2015-11-29 v.

NEW: A rule demarcates draw area right bound

NEW: Linux theme is now GTK+

2015-09-15 v.

NEW: The model sync specification is multi-threaded

NEW: Windows versions use the native look including Windows 10

2015-08-10 v.

Refinement of model sync specification

Updated commons-codec library

2015-05-31 v.

Internal modifications for the future

2015-04-21 v.

NEW: A snapshot button which saves a PNG to the Desktop.

NEW: A button for ‘wireframe’ drawing replaces the transparency slider.

The toolbar has been rearranged into logical groups, refreshed button icons.

Figure resizing handles the vertical figure case.

2015-03-21 v.

Fixed remaining issues with the mapping viewport

Disabled PDF producer

2015-02-23 v.

Fix to resizing map widgets, maps no longer ‘slide’ on resize

Restored centre calculation for curves

Enlarge the geolocation text field on Windows and Linux

2015-02-16 v.

NEW: Option/Alt will activate selection & move in mapping and editing modes

NEW: Acquire geolocation (Lon/Lat) with a right-click in mapping mode

Larger tool buttons for Windows and Linux

2014-12-08 v.

Figure resizing method completed

2014-11-16 v.

NEW: Figure resizing method rewrite

2014-11-08 v.

Bug fixes

2014-09-16 v.

Performance improvements for rich-text styles

2014-08-12 v.

Reinstated option for Open Street Maps to map viewer

2014-07-21 v.

More fixes to application of rich-text styles

2014-07-01 v.

Fixes to application of rich-text styles

2014-06-18 v.

Bug fixes

2014-04-17 v.

Internal modifications for the future

2014-02-19 v.

Modifications to sync model, refine timestamp handling & Jacobson/Karels latency calculation

Fixed an issue where anchors were not properly aligned with map

2014-01-18 v.

NEW: Mapping redesigned, more viewport-like, now resizable

Map zoom-target corrected

2014-01-05 v.

NEW: Support for InputMethods (e.g. OS X Character Palette, Japanese etc.)

2014-12-15 v.

NEW: Option/Alt now used for multi-selection, removes conflict with other keyboard accelerator commands

Marquee selection now completely contains the figures for more precision

In text mode, the context menu no longer cancels the selection

2013-12-02 v.

NEW: Updated OS X platform installer; all platform icons now high-resolution

Symbol stroke is now rendered correctly in all scenarios

Java 7 is now a pre-requisite

2013-11-04 v.

NEW: Text has an accept icon for exiting edit

2013-10-18 v.

Fixed bug in mouse button handling

2013-10-16 v.

Under-the-hood changes to selection code

Bug fixes

2013-09-17 v.

Bug fixes

2013-07-31 v.2.0.9

NEW: Support for rich text including backwards compatibility